Christmas Blend - Mr Higgins Recommends

It is December already. I can hardly believe it, for it seems no time at all since I was sweltering in unprecedented levels of heat and just trying to keep cool. At times forsaking my usual method of coffee preparation for iced coffee. Well not at breakfast time, but certainly during the day, just to try and stay cool.

And what a year it has been for world events and those nearer home. As I have listened to the worrying news, I am sure my coffee pot has been on the go more than usual, with Coffee and Tea being more essential than ever.

At H R Higgins I think we have once again risen to the challenge of creating a new coffee blend for this season. Our 2022 Christmas Blend is my choice to send to you this month.  It has an enticing aroma which reminds me of mince pies just out of the oven. 

Its flavour has a fruity edge with notes of orange and brown sugar. We have chosen to roast special coffees from Colombia and Costa Rica, creating a subtle combination of flavour not to be found in any of the other coffees in our selection.

I suggest enjoying it black as part of a Christmas menu, however it will take cream or milk.  At breakfast time, black, or with milk, hot milk if you prefer. A coffee to enjoy with friends or just for yourself, when the party is over and you are recovering, 

I send my very best wishes to you for Christmas and safe and a healthy New Year as we go forward into 2023. 


Tony Higgins 

Mr Higgins Recommends...

Ethiopia Guji Hambela - Mr Higgins Recommends

It seems fitting that for my first Mr Higgins recommends at the start of a New Year, we go back to where we think the story of commercial Coffee Drinking began. When it was a new phenomenon to experience for those first European explorers, travellers and adventurers visiting and discovering Ethiopia.

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