Colombia Supreme - Mr Higgins Recommends

I admit that I have a sentimental attachment because I remember my father’s excitement as we tasted samples of the first delivery of Colombia coffee to reach us after the second world war.  As I recall it wasn’t until quite some time after the war that it reached us. First the years of war stopped shipments of most Central and South American coffees to the United Kingdom, then the very heavily restricted use of dollars kept most Central and South American coffees out of our selection. 

We had to rely on coffees available from the Sterling Area, from Africa and India. When we tasted coffee, my father would wistfully reminisce on the delights of coffees from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Salvador and especially Colombia.

When the first shipment arrived and we approved the sample and took delivery of the consignment he was overjoyed.  Our single origin selection now had a very important addition.

During my time as managing director we began obtaining even higher grades of Colombia than the ones that had first been available. These grades were designated Supremo grades because of their quality and bean size. I anglicised the word Supremo to Supreme. Colombia Supreme remains one of our most important single origins.  Noted for its smooth, rich and chocolaty tasting notes, it has still more aspects in its character for us to discover, it has a very subtle enticing acidity which leaves us with a most pleasant aftertaste.

It will prepare very well in all coffee makers.

I do hope that you enjoy this great all-round coffee just on its own, or as a great accompaniment to a meal.


Tony Higgins

Mr Higgins Recommends...

Ethiopia Guji Hambela - Mr Higgins Recommends

It seems fitting that for my first Mr Higgins recommends at the start of a New Year, we go back to where we think the story of commercial Coffee Drinking began. When it was a new phenomenon to experience for those first European explorers, travellers and adventurers visiting and discovering Ethiopia.

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